Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Marketing management

  • Hardcover: 816 pages
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 14 edition (February 18, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0132102927
  • ISBN-13: 978-0132102926
  • Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 8.5 x 10.8 inches

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Celebrity Appraises   
     Science and business circles in the global marketing, Philip Kotler and his "marketing management" means that the classical, brand, standard and foundation, it has sold worldwide over the past 40 years, have been translated into more than 20 languages. Whether the marketing people, or just started learning marketing "fresh people"; from a business manager, to an ordinary salesman, you can see the marketing management of the latest version of Kotler's "on the shelf".

Book Description
   It centers on the understanding of marketing management, marketing perspective, seize the linking customer, create a strong brand, creating the market supplies, transfer value, dissemination value, create successful long-term growth eight aspects. The contents of each chapter includes chapter introduction before, marketing field, marketing memo, teaching case, the end of the chapter exercises aspects.
   Since 1967, Kotler launched the first edition of the "marketing management", after 40 years of development, the theoretical system of "marketing management" of the more mature, the case is more rich, the huge amount of information but not numerous, Marketing management.  distinct perspective and tries to. The book won the marketing scholars and practitioners around the world trust, a "marketing Bible" reputation.
   "Marketing management" Twelfth Edition is a great breakthrough in the past version, first of all is a new authors, together with Kotler, he was the Kotler praised as "one of" his authoritative scholars of this generation of Kevin Ryan Keller. Professor Keller is one of the main international leader brand research field. Therefore, the establishment of a separate section version of brand asset creation are analyzed in detail. Secondly, this version of the maximum in the content of the characteristics are presented the new theme -- a comprehensive marketing, a comprehensive marketing includes: relationship marketing and social responsibility of integrated marketing, marketing, international marketing. These four aspects throughout the book, and to set up a special chapter. In addition, this version also provides customized marketing marketing and accounting of two new themes, there are many new and expansion of the concept: brand management principles, consumer decision heuristic, mental accounting, marketing scale etc..
   The chapter structure of this book had bigger change, is more suitable for the requirements of teaching, the book is divided into eight parts, focusing on understanding of marketing management, marketing perspective, live together connect with customers, to create a strong brand, creating the market supplies, transfer value, dissemination value, create successful long-term growth eight aspects. The content of each chapter is also a larger adjustment, adding more new concepts, new ideas, and update the related cases and supplementary materials, special care at the end of practice into the details of the case one of the world's top companies as students discuss the material.

About the author
    Philip Kotler is one of the world's marketing authority. He is the United States Northwestern University Graduate School of management professor Kellogg and S.C. Johnson scholar of international marketing. He earned a degree from a master's degree in economics from University of Chicago and PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also worked in the Harvard University in the mathematics postdoctoral and postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago behavioral science.
    Philip Kotler (Philip Kotler) the authority of marketing, the United States Northwestern University Kellogg School of management, international marketing S.C. Johnson Honorary Professor, has a degree in master degree in economics from University of Chicago and PhD in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The field of marketing the best-selling textbook authors, author of MarketingManagement Principles of, Marketing, Marketing:AnIntroduction, StrategicMarketing for Nonprofit Organizations. In the "Harvard Business Review", "Sloan management review", Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research and other international leading journals published more than 100 papers. The only won three "Alfa CAPA, psi Award" scholars, the prize special award published in the Journal ofMarketing on the most outstanding annual author. American Marketing Association to set up the "Educator Award" outstanding marketing the first winners. Won the award of excellence contribution issued by European marketing consultant marketing and sales training association "". In 1975, the marketing science original contribution was awarded by the American Marketing Association "Paul · D · convers award". In 1995, by the international sales and marketing management organization named "annual marketing". As a marketing consultant company, including IBM, general electric, Att Corporation, Honey Well Company, Merck Co, Bank of america. The chairman of the United States of America, the United States Institute of Management Science Institute Marketing Marketing Association director, Marketing Science Institute trustee.
  Dr. Kotler is a "principle" and "Introduction" marketing the main author of marketing. The "marketing for non-profit organisations", has published the fifth edition of the field, is the best-selling book. Other works of Dr. Kotler: "marketing model", "competition", "marketing professional services", "marketing" strategy of educational institutions, "health care marketing", "marketing" "collection, high vision", "social marketing", "marketing place", "national marketing", "the hotel and tourism marketing", "standard room: the strategy of marketing performance art", "Museum of strategy and marketing", "marketing" and "Kotler on marketing".
    In addition, he also is the first stream of publications, such as "Harvard Business Review", "Sloan", "Journal of management in business level", "California Management Journal", "Journal of marketing", "Journal of marketing research", "scientific management", "strategic" and "Journal of future scholars" etc., written more than 100 papers. He is the only won three "Alfa CAPA, psi Award" scholars, the award is a special award of the best magazine "published in" marketing year author.
Professor Kotler is the American Marketing Association to set up a "distinguished marketing Educator Award" the first prize winner (1985).  Marketing management. Award outstanding contribution he had won the European marketing marketing consultant and sales training Association awarded the "". In 1975, Kotler was awarded the American Marketing Association "Paul · D. convers Award", in recognition of his originality in marketing science contribution. In 1995, international sales and marketing management organization named him as "the annual marketing". He also received the Storck Holm University, University of Zurich, Athens economic and Trade University, DePaul University, Cracow School of business and economics, H.E.C. group of Paris and Vienna University of economics and business administration awarded honorary doctorate.
  Professor Kotler is the United States and many foreign big companies in the marketing strategy and planning, marketing organization, marketing integration of advisers, these companies include: International Business Machines Corporation, Ge Corp, Att Corporation, Honeywell, Bank of America, Merck, Scandinavia airlines and Michelin Co.
    Professor Kotler is president of the American Society of united market management science and marketing, director of the American Marketing Association, the custodian to marketing science, management and Analysis Center Director, members of the Advisory Committee, Luo, Jahnke Copernicus advisory committee. He is a board member of the Chicago Institute of the arts and the Drucker foundation consultant. He used to visit Europe, Asia and South America, the global marketing opportunities for many lectures and provide guidance.
    Kevin Ryan Keller is a professor and E.B. Osborn scholar at the Dartmouth College Tucker School of business marketing. He taught about the brand marketing strategy of MBA curriculum. Professor Keller has been engaged in marketing research or teaching at the Stanford University, the University of California and the University of North carolina.
    Professor Keller of the overall in the field of consumer marketing, his research has been widely cited, and received many honors. He is one of the main international leader in the study of brand strategy, brand building and brand equity field. His book "strategic brand management" is known as the "brand bible".
    He has served as a brand marketing consultant in the world the most successful brands, including Accenture consulting company, American Express, Disney, Ford, Intel, Procter & Gamble. He is also the marketing science academic trustee. He visited many countries lectures and training, popular, and has organized many influential marketing forum.

Blogger Review
   To guide a company what philosophy marketing? How to straighten out the organization, customer and social interests of the three relationship? There are a variety of competition in society, various organizations are in one concept in marketing activities, including its concepts: production concept, product concept, marketing concept, marketing concept and marketing concept.
   Production concept, this concept is one of the oldest ideas to guide the behavior of sellers. Think consumers which are widely available, inexpensive products. Management attention to obtain high production efficiency and wide distribution coverage. Comments: this concept has significance in China's developing countries, through cheap labor market. Lenovo, haier!
   The product concept consumers need high quality, versatile and has some features of the product. Committed to the production of quality products, and constantly changing new product, make it more perfect. This idea, pay attention to cater to the market. Need the product, price, distribution, advertising and other complex. The selling concept: let it have its swing it, consumers and businesses will not be enough to buy an organization's products. We must take the initiative to promote and actively promote. Consumers often buy inert or psychological resistance, so the need to persuade. Company should use effective marketing and promotional tools to stimulate consumers to purchase a large number of products.
   The selling concept embodied in the definition of marketing president of Coca cola. Is to sell more goods to more people to get more income, thereby winning interest. The selling concept applied to unsought goods. Consumers generally don't think to buy commercial insurance, such as encyclopedia, cemetery. Attention, strengthen marketing with marketing risk height. Marketing management.
   The key to the quality of the products get! The marketing concept was to "manufacturing and sales of philosophy", now take the customer as the center, "with the response" feeling of philosophy! The production of consumers to products. Think the key in the wants and needs of the target market to determine the correct, and more effective than competitors to create, transfer, communication to the target market superior customer value. This idea, divided into interactive marketing company and active marketing company.
   This idea is: limited organized resistance, slow learning and quickly forgotten. This paper is too good, before looking at the school marketing textbooks. Write the main content is almost, but not this incisive.
   The sentence is the gold!
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