Sunday, July 28, 2013

Who Moved My Cheese?

  • Hardcover: 96 pages
  • Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons; 1 edition (September 8, 1998)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0399144463
  • ISBN-13: 978-0399144462
  • Product Dimensions: 0.7 x 5.4 x 8.3 inches
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Book Description
     This book has become the world's best-selling book. Perhaps the feeling of reading each individual is different, but do not say that the reason I understand, if that means you are still afraid to change yourself.
     This book consists of three parts.
     The first part, "Reunion" -- about at a party with a group of the past classmate discuss how to deal with all the changes in life.
     The second part is the core of the book -- "who moved my cheese" story. Who Moved My Cheese? The third part, "discussion" about the classmate friends around the story of the book. There are  "figures" -- two little mice sniff, scurry and two dwarves book, haw.
  In the story, you'll find out, facing the change, two mice do better than two little-beings, because they keep things simple; and the two dwarfs have complex brains and human emotions, complicate things. This is not to say that the rats are more intelligent than people, we all know people are more intelligent. But change an angle to think, humans are too complex and emotional intelligence and sometimes it is not an obstacle on the road ahead?
     When you watch the four roles in the story of the behavior, you'll find out, in fact, the mouse and the dwarf represent different aspects of our own -- simple side and complex side. When things change, perhaps the simple act   will bring us a lot of convenience and benefits.

Preface: change and confusion
Our multifaceted nature
The story behind the story
The Chicago reunion
"Who moved my cheese" story
Author brief introduction

About the Author
   Spencer Johnson, (Spencer Johnson), the United States of america. Doctor of medicine. He is famous all over the world, popular thought vanguard, orator and writer. Many of his ideas, so that tens of thousands of people have found a lot of simple truths of life, make their lives more healthy, more successful, more relaxed.
In the face of complex problem solving method is simple and effective, in this regard, he is regarded as the best expert.
He is the best-selling author or co-author. His "who moved my cheese? ", is an excellent way to deal with change. With his legendary management consultant Kenneth Blanchard, PhD, "One Minute Manager" one book, continues to appear on the best-seller lists, and become one of the management methods of the most popular in the world.
He also wrote many other best-selling books, including "gift" -- a beloved gift; "yes or no" -- a guide to better decisions; "moral story" -- has become the most popular children's moral education materials; and "a minute" series in five other books: "one minute sales", "mother", "one minute one minute father", "teacher" and "one minute one minute yourself".
His education and work experience were also includes: a B. psychology from the University of Southern California, doctor of medicine, Royal College of medicine of Harvard University medical school and the Mayo clinic doctor.
Dr. Johnson is a Meddtronic AC (Study) the medical guidance, is the inventor of cardiac pacemaker; he was "interdisciplinary research organization" -- a thought in the library of medical researchers, and the University of California Medical School Personality Research Center consultant.
His book became the object of many media special introduction, these media include: CNN, "Today Show", Jin Lairui at the scene, Who Moved My Cheese? "Time magazine", "business week", "New York Times", "the Wall Street journal", "USA today," associated press and United Nations International agency.
Spencer Johnson's books have been translated into 26 languages, is widespread in the world, and popular.

Blogger Review
  Chinese ancient classical Chinese: it will pass, general tatsu. The form of dialogue on this book and listen to the story in a short story, the six word is a deeper, more detailed, more in line with modern survival analysis. I don't think this is a simple management books, which runs through the whole book point of view, more suited to enrich and perfect the personal practice. When you do the time to work, such as the arts, this is your normal. One day you engaged in outward affairs, such as sales, you will have to adjust their own state to meet him face. After the adjustment of the state, not the "abnormal", on the contrary, if the processing way inward-looking to work now, is not desirable. This is not a pessimistic compromise, if it is, one day from export-oriented work back to the original closed self creation form, not a fall. It is worth chewing life, a little too much. Like the book says: the story of the "cheese" is a metaphor for what we want to have in real life, it is a job, a relationship, it is money, a house, can also be free, health, social recognition and the boss. Perhaps it is only a spiritual peace, or even just a sport, the equestrian, golf etc.. As long as life continues, there are new things in front of us continue to pursue, the beautiful scenery is worth our record and reflection.
Time to find new cheese, is an important way to get rid of and prevention of troubled. They have a keen sense of smell, can always find the correct direction; in a hurry always have inexhaustible energy and never-say-die spirit; for humans, can only take one and, often judge the situation, and always finding new cheese, even if the experience of failure, occasionally decadent, also often encourage yourself, stand up immediately, move on.
Life is changing, in the days before going live, we also should be changed, not hesitate to move forward in situ." If you don't change, you will be eliminated. Towards a new direction, you'll find out new cheese. When you move beyond your fear, you feel free. The fastest way to change their own, is to laugh at your stupidity.
After reading this book 'deep feeling in fact this book is very simple. Who Moved My Cheese? Just teaching people to accept or fear change' change 'in the old cheese before modification' awareness of the existence of new cheese 'and in a timely manner to find' truth is simple 'I'm afraid of change' for future changes always appears no fitness from 'is not so fear,' we have to overcome our fear, 'this is the most important' when you be fearless' you do 'I felt' when you move beyond your fear you would feel at ease 'it depends on whether you believe what you believe change on you is bad' is not willing to go as soon as possible to find him 'change could surprise you' or 'you believe...

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